Every picture has a story. Life itself is a picture. It's a story waiting to be told. Everyday unfolds a different story
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Spelling Error
Translation : Your Beverage Price. Every drink. Canned, bottled, tea, coffee, Nescafe, iced, sweet, unsweetened, big, small, delicious, not delicious RM1.80 except illegal drinks (alcohol) RM7.00.
I say : That 's about covered it all hehe

Should be : Awas, Muatan Panjang (Long Load)
Should be : Anda hanya hidup sekali sahaja, jadi berhati-hatilah (We only live once, so be careful)
I say : This could be written by a Non-Malaysian haha
Should be : Kempen Derma Darah (Blood Donation Campaign)
It's written : Kempen Derma Dadah (Drug Donation Campaign)

Should be : mengandungi babi (contains pork)
It's written : mengandung babi (pregnant with pig)
If I'm not mistaken, pijat is a bug. Hm, I think it should have been tukang picit (massager)
I say : Duh! Any other entry besides the door? Window entry maybe ?;p
Sunday, June 20, 2010
the birth of a New Island

Then this was spotted..ash and steam rising from the ocean..

But they were lucky they weren't in the middle of it when that happened. Otherwise, they wouldn't be living to tell the tale :)